Dean Williams, MD

Hi there! My name is Dean Williams and I am honored to join FWMEP to become the family doctor I have always wanted to be! My education began in Mishawaka, IN and continued at Butler University in 1995. I tragically lost my parents my junior year and left without my degree, but after many years of working in various fields, I returned to Butler University in 2014 to complete a dual major in Music and Chemistry. The Indiana University School of Medicine became my home for the following 4 years where I completed the majority of my medical degree in Muncie, IN.

As someone with a lot of experience in living and growing, I knew that I wanted to be an advocate and educator for families. Being trained in the full spectrum of family medicine while providing dermatologic and endoscopic procedures for my patients was my dream. The FWMEP program had everything I could ever hope for! My passion for family medicine matches my passion for making a difference in the lives of everyone around me. I am also committed to being a lifelong learner and always practicing the humility that serves my profession, staff, and patients.

 I am a classically trained violinist and orchestral conductor who still plays occasionally for family and friends. I love to backpack and hike and take in the awe inspiring beauty of the outdoors. I am an avid, amateur photographer, a food adventurer, and enjoy the shooting sports. I am also an ally for the LGBTQ+ community, an advocate for social justice and gender equality, and am committed to bridging the divide between those on either side of the political spectrum. I believe we are all more alike than we are different and we should celebrate our humanity every chance we get.

Darlene Schultz