Research/Scholarly Activity Projects (2013-2014)
Christopher Baltes, MD; Zachry Waterson, DO, FAAFP
Barriers to Dementia Screening For the Primary Care Physician—A Physician Led Questionnaire
Janel Gagnon, MD, Christi Wallace, MD, Megan Settle, MD; Amy Dawson, MD
Video Vs Face-To-Face Educational Strategies for Women Choosing Breast or Bottle Feeding
Mustafa Hasan, MD; Amy Dawson, MD, Meg Wilson, PhD
Patient Literacy Levels in an Urban Family Medicine Center
Julia Ishak, MD; Steven Schwieterman, MD
Rare Form of CJD Diagnosed With Recent Radiological Advances: A Case Report
Erin Jefferson, DO; Zachry Waterson, DO, FAAFP, Gregory Eigner, MD
The Utility of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapies in the Treatment Course of Concussion with Likely Post-Concussion Syndrome: A Case Report
Daniel Miller, MD, Gregory Dowling, MD; Aaron Coray, DO, Chris Ley, MS, RN, NEA-BC
Reducing ER Recidivism
Ryan Singerman, DO; Zachry Waterson, DO, FAAFP, Gregory Eigner, MD, Heidi Musgrave, PhD
Effectiveness of Strain-Counterstrain Osteopathic Treatment for Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome**
Sarah Turner, MD, Jed Tompkins, DO; Ravi Raju, MD, Steven Schwieterman, MD
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency in Early Pregnancy**